What a person is

Those who watched the movie "Her" might remember Alan Watts. In a book called "The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety", Watts destroys the distinction between nature and nurture. It is merely a nonsensical concept that creates the illusion that there is a "real you" that somewhat gets distorted. Watts, as quoted by Brain-pickings, fleshes out the absurdity of a separate self and ego, by reminding us of the origin of the word "person": 

The person, from the Latin persona, was originally the megaphone-mouthed mask used by actors in the open-air theaters of ancient Greece and Rome, the mask through (per) which the sound (sonus) came.

W. T. Fitch chops down this separateness even more:

The antidote to "nature versus nurture" thinking is to recognize the existence, and importance, of "instincts to learn" (...) Songbird vocal learning is the classic example of an instinct to learn. The songbird's drive to listen, and to sing, and to shape its song to that which it heard, is all instinctive. (...) Nonetheless, the actual song that it sings is learned, passed culturally from generation to generation. (...)  If the young bird hears no song, it will produce only an impoverished squawking, not a typical song.

What we are is not a "mix" of nature and nurture. We are a whole with a will.