How Long Will I keep asking myself Existential Questions?

Kierkegaard is Philosopher-in-chief this week at the Impossible HQ. HQ ... As if we were 40 over here :) Ladies and gents ! You might be wondering "When will I stop asking myself questions about the meaning of my life, the purpose of my work, the importance of love?". Mr Kierkegaard, over to you:

"The task of becoming subjective should give a person plenty to do for as long as he lives. So it will not be the good student but the impatient one who is finished with life before life is finished with him. To be finished too soon is the greatest of all dangers …. Actively to restrain the age is not something I have time for. And any such attempt would probably be no more successful than the passenger on a train who holds onto the seat in front of him in an attempt to stop the train: He identifies himself as part of the age, and yet still he wants to restrain it. No, the only thing to do is get out of the carriage and restrain yourself. And then once you’ve left the train - and never forgetting that the task is one of restraint, and the temptation to resist that of finishing too soon - then nothing is more certain than that the task will be sufficient to fill a life. And the fault can then never lie in the task itself for that is precisely its function: to fill a life" - Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical crumbs, 1846


At age 15, I thought "Life is an illusion" would solve it all. At 20, "Change is the only constant" felt it would last me a lifetime. But, there is no expiry date on Life's questions. And if it might feel frustrating that Life's answers aren't fixed, then remember it is first and foremost because you are not. How handle these questions then? To Kierkegaard, philosophy was prescriptive. It should help lead good lives and die good deaths. But what is Philosophy? Well. That's a great question to ponder on. Have a good day fellow wonder-ers :)